We talk about Mark Henry and his involvement in alot of the backstage drama that Lio was called out for. What happened when he tweeted about Emma and how did the company react? You will hear details never heard before. He talked about meeting Vince for the first time and what HHH was like as a boss early on. Lio talks about breaking into NXT and working some of the talent there before being called to 205 live. Finally Lio was able to open up and we talked about everything that you might have read about as there are two sides to every story and Lio used our interview to finally tell his side. Lio also had alot of issues with management in the WWE and he had heat on him for rubbing people the wrong way. Lio was also one of the youngest talents to ever get signed to the WWE and when he got there he was shot on a slingshot to the main rooster. Lio was a rising star and many took notice to his ring work. We talk about some of his top matches from each company and how they basically built him up to get his name out there more.

It was not long before Lio was getting booked all over the indy scene for companies like ROH, PWG and of course CZW. Lio talks about his early friendship and training days together and how he started to get himself booked on the indy scene after making a name for himself with MCW. He was not alone because he was training with another prospect that would also eventually go to the WWE who now goes by the name of Velveteen Dream, Patrick Clark. Lio talks about being a fan of wrestling during his teen years and eventually going to train at the MCW school. His rise to fame was quick and some say maybe to quick.

Lio Rush was oozing talent from the moment I saw him wrestle in MCW and I knew he was going to be a star one day. Finally Lio Rush breaks his silence and conducts his first tell all shoot interview with RF VIDEO.