You’d been together a while now, long enough for the entire city of Gotham to know this wasn’t some usual fling. Within hours of meeting you, he knew he never wanted anyone else to have you but he also learned soon enough not to keep you on too tight a leash. Roman immediately swooped you up that night and claimed you as his own. Zsasz had noticed his boss had been distracted by someone that night and when he saw you, he soon understood why. You studied the room as Roman watched you. The thin material clung to your hips and cascaded down to the bottom of your heels, your knees only just moving the slinky dress with every step. You wore a black dress that hung off you, low cut at the front and even lower at the back. You had reminded him of a sleek curious cat with your dark cat-like eyeliner and your silky hair that framed your face almost perfectly. You had walked into his club for the very first time and his eyes were watching your every move from the moment you passed through the doors. Roman had called you his ‘pussy cat’ since he met you. I wouldn’t want to disappoint you now.” Roman’s nickname for you rolled off his tongue and you smiled.

“Are we still on for dinner tonight or shall I leave my dress at the dry cleaner another day or so?” You couldn’t help but be cheeky with Roman which only earned a raised eyebrow and a dangerous smile.

You smirked at the staring match you two seemed to have going and you even saw Zsasz lip twitch on the corner but he controlled himself before Roman could pick up on the little game. “You got it, Boss.” Victor’s eyes didn’t leave yours as he spoke. Terrible weather this morning, I’m afraid we’ll have to move our plans over to tomorrow and perhaps arrange our meeting at the docks with Mr William’s for this afternoon.” Roman helped himself to the filling spread across the table, picking up some pancakes and fruit. Your eyes moved back to your gaze on Zsasz as he stared at you back with hard look. “Morning my love.” You greeted him back, kissing his lips lightly as he leant down before he rounded your chair to find his own. You sat at the dining table opposite from Zsasz and your eyes glided over to Roman’s handsome morning look as you sipped your coffee. “Good morning my pussy cat.” Roman announced his presence as he turned the corner from the bedroom and sauntered down the hall in his pyjamas and dressing gown. Warnings: Smut, Masturbation, Cheating, Strong Language, unprotected sex Pairing(s): Roman Sionis xReader, (some) Victor Zsasz x Reader From the moment he met you, you were his but when you catch Zsasz fantasising over you… Things change… AN: Second Gif credit is Summary: You’re Roman’s little ‘pussy cat’.